I am finally getting my act together enough to post an update on the last couple of months with the Napolitano clan.
It snowed. A lot.
Leo started daycare and absolutely loves it. He is the youngest child there and most days when I go to pick him up there are 2-3 new friends among the older kids hanging out and playing with him.
Leo turned 6 months old on January 28. Its so hard to believe that it's been only half a year since he came into our lives--we can't imagine life without him.
Still snowing.
Leo started really "talking", offering babbled commentary on most of his activities during the day.
We went to visit our wonderful friends the Kelleys in Berkeley. Leo did very well on both flights and handled traveling and new surroundings like a champ. We got to see lots of our friends and Leo's "cousins" Eli, Yael, and Ari Kelley had a great time playing with him. Mike and I enjoyed having some downtime and seeing the color green on trees, grass, etc.
Everybody got sick: Leo got a cold, Daddy got the flu, and Mommy got pneumonia. Fun times.
Leo moved to formula and starter solid foods. He's generally open minded and will try almost anything once, although peas were his first (and so far, only) "instant reject" food. Fruits and oatmeal are favorites. Veggies other than carrots are less enthusiastically received.
March so far:
Still freaking snowing, after a taunting warm spell.
Leo had his 6-month checkup. He is now 16 lbs 5.5 oz (20th percentile) and 27.75 inches long (75th percentile). His head measurement is 17.25" (50th percentile). He is doing very well developmentally.
Leo got his first ear infections--both ears at once. They're clearing up now and he's mostly back to his normal self.
Leo has learned how to: stick out his tongue (and mimic others who are doing so); "sidewinder" crawl on his belly; and sit up very briefly on his own. "Peekaboo" and "This is the way the Lady/Gentleman/Farmer rides" are his favorite games.
We had one of our "hootenany" sessions at our friends, the Holts, home. Leo enjoyed singing along, in his own special way.