It seems like Leo's acquiring new skills and fascinations by the week. Here's a rundown of the latest:
- Favorite new "toys" are his exersaucer (a circular baby seat with toys attached), his Laugh and Learn Puppy (see picture), and baby wipe packages (which make a "crunchy" noise and have a baby's picture on them, which is doubly awesome in his book).
- Learned how to turn the pages of books while I'm reading to him, and usually waits until I say "turn the page" to do so.
- Has mastered putting his binky into his mouth by himself. Has also started sucking his thumb when a binky isn't available.
- Moved into his room and loves his new crib. He somehow manages to work his way across every inch of it during the night.
- Mastered the "army crawl". He acquires a target (like a baby wipes package, or one of the cats) and scoots his way to it in record time.
- Gets up on his hands and knees and rocks back and forth, sometimes scooting both knees forward. Might not be long until he figures out how to crawl.
- Can sit up unassisted for a few minutes at at time.
- Now that its spring, we re-introduced Leo to the outdoors. He loves playing in the grass.
- Weight at the doctor's office this week was 17 lbs 5.5 oz.
- Leo is getting his first tooth: the front left lower central incisor.
- Had an abscess on the back of his head that lasted for a couple of weeks. It was quite a medical mystery to the doctors, and we ended up going to the pediatrician's office several times, but it resolved itself this week and he's back to normal.