Thursday, July 31, 2008

Leo's home

Leo arrived at 9:55 PM on 7/28, weighing in at a healthy 8.5 lbs and 20.5 inches! He has beautiful eyelashes and very long feet and toes!

We are so excited to have him home with us at last. He's generally a very mellow baby and is doing well with his feeding and sleeping (thank goodness!) so Mom and Dad are getting a little bit of rest too. He's got a touch of jaundice that we are treating but otherwise is in very good health. Pictures to come soon (technology is a bit beyond me at the moment, but I'm working on it), but right now its hard to tell who he resembles. Mike says he looks like Grandpa Rocky with the exception of his nose, which looks like Mike's.


Ocala Mike said...

Congratulations, Regina and Mike. We knew you could do it!

Watch out for those long feet and toes; might be a tad difficult to fit him with Adidas.

Proud Grandparents Mike and Sandy Napolitano

Unknown said...

We are so excited for you all.
Give Leo a big kiss from us.
-A, J & S